According to research outfit Parity, a misunderstanding and misconception of Web 2.0 technology is widespread amongst senior managers and IT personnel alike. It claims that they lack the appreciation of the wider business benefit and as a result UK businesses run the risk of being left behind thanks to simply not getting those critical Web 2.0 benefits. The 'Web 2.0 – More than Social Networking' report says that 47.1% of senior managers in the UK just do not understand the business benefits associated with embracing Web 2.0 technologies, and that 32.4% of IT managers admit a similar lack of understanding.
My own Happy Geek report, based on a survey size of one (me), says that 100% of respondents are not in the least bit surprised because it is impossible to know what Web 2.0 business benefits might be until such a point as we can agree on what Web 2.0 actually is in the first place.